
- Mortals can now give immortals NO_TRADE item such as Apocalypse tokens.
- Immortals can give mortals items even if the mortal has reached their item or weight limit.

- ki regen increases when resting or sleeping

- New command added: search. You can use it to search the object database based on search terms.
- identify command can now lookup based on VNUM with identify v####

- Fixed bug with leave.

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More Information About Druids on Dark Castle

By living in tune with nature, druids are able to
call upon the elements to help protect them from
those who do them harm.  While they may seem weak
in hand-to-hand combat, druids can actually be
quite formidable opponents.
Specializing in a host of magical abilities that
harness the forces of nature, Druids can perform
feats of power such as:
calling forth a storm of lightning to slay their
foes, debilitating the health of an opponent, or
even summoning a being from the elemental planes
to do their bidding!
Druids are known to dedicate themselves to a
variety of natural talents, including a dedicated
and powerful ELEMENTALIST or even to the
mysterious powers of a SHAPESHIFTER.
Minimum Attribute Requirements:  14 Wis, 14 Int 
- Malediction (WIS, CON)    |  - Natural (WIS, DEX)
Attrition       - Level 6   |  Eyes of the Owl     - Level 2
Weaken          - Level 11  |  Nature's Lore       - Level 7
Poison          - Level 21  |  Create Water        - Level 8
Debility        - Level 27  |  Create Food         - Level 8
Entangle        - Level 29  |  Sense Life          - Level 10 
Curse           - Level 34  |  Call Familiar       - Level 25
Blindness       - Level 42  |  Dismiss Familiar    - Level 26
                            |  Lighted Path        - Level 33
                            |  Forage              - Level 43
                            |  Forest Meld         - Level 46
- Prevention (STR, CON)     |  - Elemental (INT, CON)
Shield Block    - Level  5  |  Water Breathing     - Level 17
Resist Cold     - Level 13  |  Stoneshield         - Level 20
Camouflage      - Level 14  |  Control Weather     - Level 36
Resist Acid     - Level 18  |  Earthquake          - Level 40
Resist Energy   - Level 30  |  Lightning Shield    - Level 41
Barkskin        - Level 37  |  Spiritwalk          - Level 43
Iron Roots      - Level 38  |  Greater Stoneshield - Level 47
Resist Fire     - Level 39  |  Conjure Elemental   - Quest 50
Stoneskin       - Level 44  |  Release Elemental   - Quest 50
Summon          - Level 49  |  Brew Potion         - Level 55
- Medicinal (WIS, INT)      |  - Retribution (DEX, STR)
Cure Light      - Level 3   |  Blue Bird           - Level 1
Cure Serious    - Level 12  |  Drown               - Level 28
Oaken Fortitude - Level 15  |  Whipping            - Level 30
Staunchblood    - Level 22  |  Crushing            - Level 30
Cure Critical   - Level 23  |  Bludgeoning         - Level 30
Rapid Mend      - Level 31  |  Sun Ray             - Level 35
Herb Lore       - Level 32  |  Call Lightning      - Level 35
Power Heal      - Level 45  |  Colour Spray        - Level 48
.                           |  Icestorm            - Level 51
See help NEWBIE DRUID for more detailed information about
playing this class.

Classes of Dark Castle
Mages, Rangers, Thieves, Monks, Barbarians, Paladins,
Warriors, Druids, Clerics, Anti-Paladins, Bards

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