
- Mortals can now give immortals NO_TRADE item such as Apocalypse tokens.
- Immortals can give mortals items even if the mortal has reached their item or weight limit.

- ki regen increases when resting or sleeping

- New command added: search. You can use it to search the object database based on search terms.
- identify command can now lookup based on VNUM with identify v####

- Fixed bug with leave.

News Archives

New Players' Guide for Dark Castle

Welcome to Dark Castle, newcomer! For specific help, log onto dark castle and type the word help followed by the item you want help on. For example, to view the information for newbies about equipment, type 'help newbie equipment.'

For those of you who have access to a web browser, you can get pointers on how to play at Dark Castle, plus get a feel for what this mud is all about. Type 'help www' for Dark Castle's web page, which you are currently reading atm. :)

If you would like some more step-by-step guidance type: help gettingstarted. There are helpfiles on virtually any topic associated with the game so be sure to check out as many helpfiles as you can, some of which are readable here on our website.

The following helpfiles have newbie related info:

Newbie Equipment, Newbie Money, Newbie Communication,
Newbie Shop, Newbie Areas, Getting Started, Channels, Toggle

As well, there are class-specific newbie helpfiles for the following in addition to the classes' normal help file. For instance:

Newbie Mage, Newbie Ranger, Newbie Thief, Newbie Monk
Newbie Barbarian, Newbie Paladin, Newbie Warrior, Newbie Druid
Newbie Cleric, Newbie Anti-Paladin, Newbie Bard

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